nGrinder 는 각각의 성능테스트를 위한 내용을 Groovy, Jython 등의 스크립트를 이용해 작성할 수 있도록 지원한다.

아래의 스크립트는 Jython Script 로 JSON-RPC 서버를 호출하여 성능테스트를 하기위한 간단 샘플이다.

nGrinder 제공 클래스들은

에서 확인이 가능하다. 

(HTTP Request 바로 가기 :

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a

# single page via HTTP. 


# This script is automatically generated by ngrinder.


# @author admin

from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder

from net.grinder.script import Test

from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest

from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPPluginControl

from HTTPClient import NVPair

from java.util import Random

#from org.json import JSONObject 

control = HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults()

# if you don't want that HTTPRequest follows the redirection, please modify the following option 0.

# control.followRedirects = 1

# if you want to increase the timeout, please modify the following option.

control.timeout = 6000

test1 = Test(1, "")

request1 = HTTPRequest()

# Make any method call on request1 increase TPS


class TestRunner:

# initlialize a thread 

def __init__(self):



# test method

def __call__(self):

# headers = ( NVPair( "Content-Type", "application/json" ), )

# request1.setHeaders(headers)

url = ""


rndVal=rndVal.rjust(11, '0')

#random.randint(10000000000, 20000000000)

jsonMessage = '{"id" : "1", "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method"  : "api.encrypt", "params"  : {"type": "D", "val" : "' + (rndVal + "\"") + '}}'


#result = request1.POST(url, jsonMessage)

result = request1.POST(url, jsonMessage,  (NVPair('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ))

#result = request1.GET("")'---------------------------------------------------------------')'---------------------------------------------------------------')

# You get the message body using the getText() method.

# if result.getText().find("HELLO WORLD") != -1 :

#    grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1

# else :

# grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 0

# if you want to print out log.. Don't use print keyword. Instead, use following."Hello World")

if result.getStatusCode() == 200 :

grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1

elif result.getStatusCode() in (301, 302) :

grinder.logger.warn("Warning. The response may not be correct. The response code was %d." %  result.getStatusCode()) 

grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1

else :

grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 0

* nGrinder 설치는 참조.

Posted by 얼랄라